Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life in the Seventh Grade

Michael was excited to be able to go to school for the first time on August 25, having only missed three days of the school year.  He quickly found himself surrounded by great friends who were offering to carry his backback, help with his schedule, and get him caught up on homework.  His teachers greatly extended themselves to help him fill in the missing days and know what work he could do at home.  What a blessing Christian friends and a Christian school have been!

Since then, Michael has only missed school on the days that he was in the hospital.  He has been working hard at home and in the hospital to keep up to date on his work.  I'm not sure that he enjoys having a mother who is a teacher, but it's worked out well that I am able to provide some help.

Michael enjoys the social aspect of school.  He had fun one day staying after school to watch a soccer game.  He admitted that he would have rather been on the team playing than sitting in the stands watching, but maybe next year??

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