Friday, May 11, 2012

Next Step: Surgery

Monday will be the next big day in Michael's recovery.  Everything is lined up for his broviac-removal surgery.  He'll go in early (EARLY!) Monday morning for the surgery and should come home around noon, free of any bothersome lines coming out of his chest and the restrictions that come with them.

This is the first surgery that he is actually looking forward to.  Getting the broviac removed before the summer months means that he can swim freely, participate in any sporting activity he would like, and not suffer that junior high-aged embarrassment at being "different" when he spends time with friends.

He is concerned about how quickly he'll recover.  He had a rough time after the surgery to insert the broviac; he experienced quite a bit of pain and spent several hours being sick.  We are praying that this surgery will be uneventful.

Michael is in his last week of seventh grade.  He is finishing up in each subject and preparing for final exams.  With surgery and the end of school, the next week and a half will be busy for Michael.

Thanks to each of you who have faithfully asked about Michael, rejoiced with us over his wonderful biopsy results, and will now pray for him during this next step.