Monday, October 31, 2011

Hanging Up the Cape

Our superhero went back to school today. It was time to return to reality. He has thoroughly enjoyed soaking up the wonderful attention that came with his new-found notoriety.

After the transplant on Thursday, Timothy bounced back quickly on Friday. The nausea was gone. He had very little pain at all. He wanted to experience everything. He ordered all of his favorite meals by 10 in the morning. I got rather nervous calling the hospital cafeteria after they started questioning whether I was truly ordering again for the patient in the room. He took a walk all over the ninth floor. My job was to follow with his IV pole, and I felt as though I were walking a rabid squirrel! He tried to meet and talk to all of Michael's nurses and doctors, finally deciding that Michael had way too many friends. He even helped to remove his own IV. On the way out, he stopped at the information desk to let them know: "I'll be back, but I'll only be visiting from now on."

We are so thankful that he was willing to do what he could for his brother and pleased that he had such a pleasant experience. He proudly saved some souvenirs from his little adventure. Anyone want to guess what he plans on taking to school the next time he has Show and Tell?

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